IFBB PRO Juan Morel: Going to Rio Baby April 23, 2014Articles, Features, Videos SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest Juan Morel’s Shout out from the East Coast Mecca Bev Francis Gym moments before he gets his last workout in than on a plane to the 2014 Arnold Classic Brazil!
January 8, 2017IFBB Olympia Bikini Comparison & Individual Photo GalleryClick Here For IFBB Olympia Bikini Individual Photos Click Here For IFBB Olympia Comparison Photos
June 16, 2020Backstage Video: 2017 NPC Universe Mens Classic Physique Backstage Video 2017 NPC Universe Contest Photos MEN’S CLASSIC PHYSIQUE  MEN’S CLASSIC PHYSIQUE AWARDS OVERALL WINNER & EARNED IFBB PRO CARD …